Americas Alumni Reunion

Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Alumni in the Americas celebrated their inaugural Americas Alumni Reunion in New Jersey.

MNIT Jaipur Alumni hosted their first-ever Americas alumni reunion this past weekend, marking a new tradition for the Institute's graduates based in North America. Over 90 alumni from the 1970s to as recently as 2023 came together for a night of camaraderie, memories, and celebration of the Jaipur spirit.

"It was wonderful to see our graduates in the USA reconnect after decades apart," said MNIT Jaipur Hon'ble Director Dr. Narayana Prasad Padhy. "Though spread out across the Americas today, the camaraderie, networking, and community our alumni developed at MNIT Jaipur continue to unite them."

The event provided an opportunity for old friends to rekindle bonds and for new graduates to network with seasoned professionals. Attendees reminisced about their college days over dinner and enjoyed cultural performances. Chief Organizer Mahesh Motiramani (BE Electronics & Communications '96) shared, "Our MNIT Jaipur community is truly special. I'm grateful we could celebrate it together and hope this becomes an annual tradition."

MNIT Jaipur boasts a global alumni network of over 35,000 distinguished members. As the institute commemorates its Diamond Jubilee, it remains steadfast in its commitment to engaging graduates through events, fostering valuable networking opportunities, and encouraging contributions to the community. Prof. Rakesh Jain, Dean of Alumni Affairs, remarked, "This inaugural Americas reunion serves as a testament to the enduring connections formed at MNIT Jaipur. We look forward to expanding our alumni engagement worldwide."